After a few weeks and six - eight cups altogether, I am finally, at the age of 33, a coffee drinker. I am told by Marjorie that it is Good For Me, and by Colin that one cannot work in law enforcement without drinking a lot of it. Towards the latter, if what I've seen on American Justice and Cold Case Files is any indication, I also have a big, bushy mustache in my future.
As far as acquired tastes go, this one was way easier than beer. What's next then? I
imagine and shudder.
The experience of
Rakirovka inspired me to start playing chess again. So far I've been sticking to the AI "personalities" built into
Chessmaster Live and they've provided an acceptable level of increasing challenge. I'm a pretty decent player, I think, and I've been feeling an urge to
impart the knowledge I have to another. So if there are any novices out there that would like to learn more about the game, drop me a line. I'd really enjoy bringing someone else into the fold.