George Brett Has a Story...

Does it have anything to do with gaming? Nope. Improv? No sir.

I could maybe stretch things and say that the Auto-Tune tie-in somehow relates to technology and gadgets, but the truth of the matter is, this link is posted here because this is probably the funniest thing I've seen on the internet in months.

It isn't for everyone (definitely NSFW audio), but good lord was I laughing hard when I found it. Courtesy of List of The Day.

Oh, Hell Yes...

New "leaked" trailer for Left 4 Dead 2 from the folks at

Fan-tastic. File under NSFW.

Killer Spots: FIFA 10

Not super-crazy about the music choice, but I love the writing and the idea for the new FIFA 10 spot from EA. There's a U.S. version airing now that ends with "ten billion Blancos, ten zillion Donovans", but I like the U.K. version better. So you'll just have to deal if you don't know who Xavi is. Cool? (You can see the U.S. cut here.)

I was a fan of earlier FIFA games when I had roommates, but it's been harder for me to get in to the more recent versions on the 360... somehow playing with someone over the headset isn't as much fun as doing it in person. Maybe I'll give this one a shot, though... the gameplay features look amazing.

Make Your Phone Awesome

Some cool cell phone tricks from The 2.0 Life. Not sure how many of these come with charges attached, but the list is worth a look either way...

Offensive Gamertag

Do I hear our friend Zach from The Landlords on this?? Listen at around the 13 second mark...

DVD Extras You Must See

Very cool list of some of the best/most innovative/actually worth watching DVD extras around (including some Easter Eggs I'm guessing you'd never know about otherwise). Courtesy of Empire online.


So our friend Colin wants to give the new Halo ODST four-player co-op a shot.

I've only seen the kick-ass trailers... anyone got a recommendation one way or the other? Have you played the game? Should we jump in, or wait for Modern Warfare 2 to hit the shelves?

Kill the Kindle and a Corporate Gig

Technology joke! Technology joke!

I love a good Office Space reference. And yeah; I'd imagine there's an old school that's not too happy about the new school in the literature deparment. 

Speaking of workplace parodies, Superbest has a corporate gig tonight. Which I suppose means we'll need to keep things clean?

Return to Richmond

Has it really been a year already? Superbest has just been confirmed for the 2nd Richmond Improv Festival, and will be playing on Saturday November 7 at 9pm. Tickets will be available on the festival website shortly.

Live News is Awesome

Snicker snicker. Click here to see the clip...