Death By T-Shirt?

I know, I know... we've been quiet for a while. Hell, I haven't logged in to X Box Live in at least two months. It's a sorry state of affairs.

So you knew it was going to take something really cool/funny/interesting to bring us out of hiding and get another entry fired up. And I think I've just found it.

Check out this story on the "upcoming" (read: "Please, God, when will it finally be here?") Gears of War 3 and how some of the major plot points are going to being decided. Good idea? Next Big Step forward in game development? Lame gimmick? Let the debate (and buying of avatar tees) begin...

Wait, Now Star Wars Doesn't Suck?

I mean, damn... if the first three movies had looked like this, I might have actually enjoyed them. Two new trailers from the ongoing E3 conference: The Old Republic and The Force Unleashed II.

Avatar Days

Fun piece shot and finished in only four days (four?? try it in two, baby!!) about MMORPG players living their everyday lives. I love the reveals at the end... click here to watch.

Circuit Breaker (Tribute to Zelda)

Thought this was fun in a retro/goofy kind of way... a tribute to Zelda and other 8-bit nostalgia. Enjoy!

Resident Evil 5 Print

Came across these on a design/marketing blog... fun series of overseas print ads for the Resident Evil 5 release that provides nutritional information for the people pictured. Nice.

Inception Trailer 3

Wow. I know the details of this movie have been closely guarded for a while now, but last week saw a little bit of the cat getting out of the bag in the form of a third trailer for the upcoming Inception.

Seems like Christopher Nolan can do no wrong at the moment, and this looks like another epic in the making. I'm a huge fan of the music as well... definitely looking forward to seeing this one in July!

Whoops... Here's the New iPhone!

I don't love this story as much as I love the story behind this story. Hilarious.

Gears of War 3 Trailer!

The strange part? The trailer made its debut last night on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon as part of a visit from Epic Games guru Cliff Bleszinski. Jimmy Fallon? Really?

Release date is one year from now, but you sense the countdown has already started. I know I'm excited! If the step up from the first game to the second is any indication of what to expect, part three should be amazing. I like the fact that everyone just looks weary from the fight. I also like the use of the final title to confirm that this is, in fact, The End of the story.

The real big news, though, is this: 4 PLAYER STORY CO-OP. Hot diggity. Stay tuned for more, I'm sure!


I didn't really have an iPad on my radar. And then I saw this.

I still don't want one, but you gotta admit... this is a pretty great idea. And I love the fact that you can get Qbert and Dig Dug. Hipster watch, clever coffee mug and chubby fingers probably not included.


This is one of the coolest clips I've seen in a while... so playful, and so well done. Pixels invade New York, and Old School mayhem ensues. Fantastic.

What? I Wanna Be Invisible!

The first of the Ghost Recon games that I played didn't grab me as much as the Rainbow Six: Vegas series, but that was admittedly a few years ago. And I don't remember anything about the ability to become invisible!

Check out the trailer for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, due out this fall... looks like there could be some cool stuff to play with...

Nintendo 3DS Coming...

I guess this is big news?

Nintendo has announced that they'll be rolling out a 3D handheld device in 2011 (along with Sony's new 3D console, it seems), and plan to have a model ready to demo at the E3 expo in June.

I enjoyed watching Avatar as much as the next guy (though not as much as some...), but I'm not sure there's a real revolution to be had here just yet... more of an industry buzz bandwagon at the moment. I think I'll wait until 3D merges with something like Project Natal before I get too excited. But maybe that's just me? There are plenty of folks who seem pretty jazzed about it...

Cat Fancy to the Nuts!


(Click here to watch the awesomeness.)

Killer Spots: Brink

Found this snooping around on a design site this afternoon... pretty cool little collection of chaos for the upcoming Brink produced by AKQA. Enjoy!

Still Got It.

I've met the man. Mike and I have actually written for the man. And it's great to see that success still hasn't changed the guy who got fired from QVC. Twice. God bless, Mr. Rowe...

R.I.P. Captain Oveur

Killer Spots: Bioshock 2 Teaser

This was posted to a motion graphics site I visit... forgot how cool it was.

I have a design book from the company that did the launch campaign for the first Bioshock game (I gave one to Brian, too), and some of the concept art is beautiful. Not sure if the same guys did this one, but the bar certainly didn't get lowered any for round two.

There were other spots that used gameplay footage and had more punch, but this was the one that stuck with me the most.

Please Stop Making People's Lives Miserable

This was found on the wall in one of the classrooms in the elementary school we rehearse in. I loved the fourth one down...

The Final Countdown

"This is a song... a song about counting."

Gotta give it to 'em. This is pretty great. We've taken the stage to the same song, but never like this...

In other news, thanks to everyone who came out this weekend for our performance at the North Carolina Comedy Arts Festival. We always have a great time, and it was really cool to hear from so many people who are fans of the show. Thank you!

North Carolina: Feels Like the First Time

Remember that song? Not the North Carolina part... the First Time part. Foreigner? Anyone? They had some good tunes, man... not that one in particular, but some other really good tunes. Look 'em up.

Anyway, we're all headed down to the Chapel Hill area for our first show since the Richmond festival in November. And while that would usually make me a little nervous, it almost feels more like a reunion show somehow, which is awesome. Like the world is brand new again and full of possibilities. Or something.

We'll be playing at the DSI Theater on Saturday night at 9:30 if anyone wants to drop in and check us out... I can promise we'll be having fun, which is usually contagious...

From the Lads...

Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday this year. For football fans in the UK, that's Game Day. So what to do?

Puma has a simple, classy, touching solution... send your gal a song from the pub.

Sure, it's a crap song. But don't the ladies love those? I dig the tagline at the top of the site... "They want to be in your arms, you want to be in the stands." Problem solved.

Avatar: Holy Shit

In L.A. for work and just went to the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood to (finally) see Avatar in 3D.

Damn, dude. Just... damn.

Killer Spots: Dante's Inferno Super Bowl

Already famous/notorious for getting rejected by CBS (the version that will air on Sunday actually ends with "Hell Awaits" instead), the Super Bowl Spot for Dante's Inferno is pretty tight. Great move getting the Bill Withers track... I dig it.

Killer Spots: Vanquish

Wow. Gorgeous new trailer for Sega's Vanquish produced by the gang at Logan.

The bad news is that this genre has so many games in it that all of them start to look like Halo after a while. And I'll admit that it's been entirely too long since I logged on to Live, so maybe I'm just the last guy to see this, but I'm really impressed with the spot regardless.

The surface textures, lighting and movement at the end remind me a lot of District 9, and I've always been a sucker for detail shots of power suits being assembled (Iron Man didn't do much to curb that enthusiasm. By the way, check out Danny Yount and Prologue's amazing schematic end titles from that movie if I never posted them before...).

Shades of the Gears of War 2 trailer at the top as well, although fans have apparently already been talking about the praying mantis moment in different terms than that (something to do with an alien invasion?). I'll have to look in to the story a little more to see whether or not the title is worth checking out, but it seems the promo has already done its job... here I am talking about it!

Movie Moments You Didn't Know Were Improvised

Been a while. Saw this list and had to post it for the obvious reasons... courtesy of Spike TV.

Oh yeah, and we're gearing up for our show at the NCCAF in a few weeks. Write it down.

Turn Around...

Don't know how I missed this the first time around, but you've got to love the balls on this guy. I'm just impressed at the effort and the showmanship. Unless he staged the whole thing with a friend of his... in which case, screw 'em both!

Man, am I skeptical, or what? Happy new year, by the way...