And you know what? That's fine. That's his prerogative.
Me, on the other hand? I'm freaking giddy. A grown man with a child at home probably shouldn't be this excited about tomorrow's release of the Watchmen movie, but guess what? I am.
I've spent nearly twenty years wondering how they could possibly pull it off. My buddy Andrew and I used to sit in the back of our high school art class and argue over who should play the leads and who we'd want to direct it. I've been following the blogs and reveling in the leaked details since the summer of 2007... we're talking seriously geeky behavior on my part, and I won't make excuses for it. I'm really, truly, genuinely fired up about this.
Alan Moore has refused to have anything to do with the movie since Hollywood ripped his Jack the Ripper and less-than-ordinaried his League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. And that's his business. All I know is that I walked in to a Target last night and saw a small mountain of the books for sale front and center. A Target, Alan. I think that's pretty freaking sweet.
I've been patiently watching the Watchmen develop, and I haven't seen the cast or crew put a foot wrong yet. Tomorrow we'll see if they've pulled it off at last. Tomorrow we'll see if Mr. Moore has a case.
Tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun.
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