Giant Bow Unnecessary.

So have you seen these Lexus commercials? For the last several years, Lexus has had a line of commercials featuring yuppies receiving giant-bow-clad cars on Christmas morning. (Granted, this year's take is at least a little more inspired.) They're implying that this Christmas gift tops even the best, purest memory from your childhood. In one spot, a 40-something douchebag replaces the memory of receiving an Atari system when he was 8 with this new gem of receiving a $60,000 car from his trophy wife.

As mentioned in an earlier post, I recently received my XBOX 360 as a gift from a few friends. It immediately ranks itself up there with the coolest gifts I've ever received. It's up there with the Gameboy I received for my 11th birthday. Both were overwhelmingly generous, and both were completely unexpected. The Gameboy especially so, because we just didn't get stuff like that in my family. That was a big ticket item.

What's my point? I'm proud to say that these gifts are among the top of my favorites. Gifts that encourage communing with friends and having a good time should be. So if anyone wants to buy me a Lexus, just know it's not going to replace any of these memories.

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