A No-Pants Christmas

Once again this year I will not be traveling west to spend the holiday with Marjorie and her family in Oregon, and once I again I shall fill the void with the celebration of Dudemas. I really thought I'd be out of town this year so I had already requested a chunk of leave. I'm pretty sure other members of my team were unable to make plans because of short-staffing during the holidays, so it's not like I can just turn around now and show up to work that week. I have to stay home and play video games.

No, I don't think you're getting it. I have to. I'm hoping that I can coax a few friends into coming over and sharing the misery with me that week.

This week I've been making good progress in Fallout 3. It sounds a bit strange to call the landscape they've created "beautiful", what with the setting being the DC/Northern Virginia area some two hundred years after a nuclear holocaust, but that's how I see it. I've spent a great deal of time just wandering the Capital Wasteland and allowing myself to be very easily distracted from the plot of the game. Not that the plot isn't interesting -- it really is -- but there is so much to be discovered in the world the developers at Bethesda have created. It would feel rude of me to let it slip by.

I got started writing late tonight because it's a rehearsal night. I'll talk more about Fallout, Dudemas, and an interesting conversation I had about games where you don't shoot anything, tomorrow.

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